This is Complete Guide to Buying Shipping Containers and Build your home Container

With regards to building your own particular transportation compartment home, a standout amongst the most vital perspectives is buying a delivery holder in great condition.

Shockingly a few people feel that transportation holders are "projectile confirmation" and any compartment will do.

This is a myth.

Buying a corroded or worn holder could destroy your transportation compartment home form before you even go ahead.

In this article we cover what sorts of transportation compartments you should use to work with. Step by step instructions to investigate utilized sending holders to ensure you don't purchase a failure.

Lastly, the amount you should pay for a delivery holder.

What Makes a 'Decent' Container?

Before we get into how to investigate and buy compartments, how about we initially take a gander at the significance of obtaining the correct transportation holder.

This progression all depends on appropriately arranging your transportation holder home.

Once you've arranged your home you know precisely which sorts of holders you have to buy e.g. high 3D square or standard, 20ft or 40ft.

Be that as it may, getting the correct transportation holder doesn't simply mean purchasing the correct shape and size.

It additionally implies obtaining a compartment that is appropriate to work with.

We will cover how to recognize which compartments are appropriate to work with in the examination agenda later on in this article.

Be that as it may, this present area's motivation is to stretch the significance of getting the correct compartment.

You may be enticed to spare a couple of dollars and purchase less expensive compartments yet this is the most exceedingly terrible place to spare cash when building.

You could wind up with a fundamentally powerless holder with overwhelming rusting.

This could influence your repair to charge on the holders extortionate.

Distinctive Types of Shipping Containers

While there are more than 11 sorts of delivery holders, with regards to transportation compartment homes there are 2 primary sorts utilized; the standard compartment and the high 3D square holder.

I will just quickly cover the distinctions here.

In case you're searching for an inside and out examination at that point read, should I work with standard or high 3D shape compartments.

Standard Containers

The most prominent delivery holder used to manufacture homes is the standard 40ft transportation compartment.

By standard holders I'm alluding to the customary 8 foot tall compartments.

They are by and large 20ft, 40ft or 53ft length and constantly 8ft tall and 8ft wide.

One of the enormous points of interest of utilizing this kind of holder is that they are extremely normal and simple to purchase. Likewise, in light of the fact that they are so basic they have a tendency to be modest and offer great incentive for cash.

High Cube Containers

The high 3D square holder is my own inclination.

They come in an indistinguishable measurements from the standard holders. Expect they are a foot taller.

This extra foot in roof space has a gigantic effect.

It implies you can protect your floor and roof and still have an indistinguishable headroom from an un-protected standard holder.

The issue with a standard compartment is that after you've protected the floor and roof you don't have much stature left-high shapes wipe out this issue

How Much Do Shipping Containers Cost?

The price of a shipping container can very hugely depending on the age, type and condition.

But to give you an idea I�ve included some ballpark figures below.

20' Shipping Container (Used: $2,100 | New: $3,000)
20' High Cube Shipping Container (Used: $2,200 | New: $3,200)
40' Shipping Container (Used: $2,850 | New: $5,600)
40' High Cube Shipping Container (Used: $2,950 | New: $5,800)
Where to Buy Shipping Containers From?

Typically, companies don�t sell shipping containers internationally because they are too expensive to deliver.

So to get the cheapest priced containers you are best to purchase your containers locally.

This way you reduce the transportation costs which can be very expensive.

My recommendation would be to find a local shipping container dealer and actually see the container in person before you buy it.

I�ve heard of too many horror stories about buying shipping containers unseen online.

Your local port should keep a list of approved dealers so you should start there.

Failing this, you can always try using eBay, craigslist or Gumtree.

If you�re purchasing from places like eBay be very careful. You should make sure you know what you�re looking at as they won�t provide you with a warranty.

Read here for more help on where to buy shipping containers from.

How to Inspect a Shipping Container

Welcome to the most important section in the article!

Before we go any further let me say, the following advice is for purchasing a used shipping container. If you�re container is new then you won�t need to inspect it as thoroughly.

This is one of the most important parts of building your shipping container home.

If you end up buying a worn-out container your build is in trouble before it begins.

When I first inspect a shipping container I walk around the perimeter of it looking down each side of the container to make sure they are straight.

When walking around the outside of the container also keep an eye out for dints and rust.

On a used container you should expect some small dents and the occasional patch of light rust. Larger dents aren�t too much of a problem. But large sections of rust and corrosion are a red alert!

Check the rust and if the metal is flaking and weakened then don�t buy the container.

The last exterior check to make is the roof. Get a pair of ladders and check the roof for any signs of rust or leaks. Again any light rust is ok but any significant rust with flaking and the container should be avoided.

Once the external inspection is complete you should turn your attention to the inside of the container.

You want to make sure that the container doors are closed for a while before you inspect the inside of the container.

As soon as you open the doors and walk into the container do a smell test.

You should smell for mold and any toxic chemicals. If the container smells of mold it�s likely that there is a leak.

Next, make sure the container is watertight.

The best way to do this is to close the containers door whilst still inside- then look for any daylight entering the container.

After this check, get a torch out and take a good look around. Pay special attention to the wooden flooring and make sure there aren�t any holes in it.

Finally, check the container�s identification code is intact.

Cost to Transport a Shipping Container

If you�ve read this far, chances are you�ve inspected and purchased your shipping container.

All you need to do now is to arrange for the containers to be transported.

Obviously there will be huge differences here to the price depending on if you�ve purchased your containers locally or internationally.

If you�re purchased the containers locally then you should expect to pay around $400 for a 20ft and $800 for 40ft containers.

These prices include the unloading fee and allow for a total journey distance of 300 miles.

This means a price of around $1.33 per mile to transport a 20ft container, and $2.60 per mile to transport a 40ft container.

If you�ve purchased the containers internationally then you are going to have an expensive transportation fee.

Depending on the distance it can be anywhere from $1900+. I received a quote to transport a 40ft container from China to Miami for $5500.

If you want to reduce the cost to ship a container long distance, you can allow the haulage company to transport goods inside your container.

It�s important to remember here that before your containers arrive you need to make sure your foundations have been laid.

This will mean that when your containers are delivered they can be placed directly on the foundation pads.

Otherwise you will need to pay for the containers to be moved again once your foundation has set.


After reading this article you should now feel comfortable when you go to buy your shipping containers.

Making sure you purchase the correct shipping container will help to get your container home build off to a good start.

Get this stage wrong and you will have large repair bills before you even complete your build.

If at all possible purchase your shipping containers locally from a reputable dealer who offers you a warranty.

Finally, even if the dealer is reputable make sure to complete a thorough inspection using the process outlined above. Each shipping container you buy should be thoroughly inspected.

After agreeing a price, make sure to take a note of the container�s identification code. Then when your containers are delivered make sure the codes match.